How To Change CPU Fan Speed Without BIOS

One of the most important components in a PC’s operation is the CPU fan. Your computer will run more smoothly and quietly if you can adjust the CPU fan. Only properly functioning CPU fans can reduce the temperature of your computer when it becomes overheated for a variety of reasons.

 Exhaust vents on CPU fans are used to move warm air out from the system, which helps keep it from overheating and damaging components. In some cases, the cooling fans’ default speeds are unable to lower the system’s internal temperature. This is the exact moment when you’ll want to turn up the CPU fan.

The most common preference is to alter the speed of the CPU fan via the BIOS. As a backup option if the first one fails, altering the BIOS fan speed might be used.

If you’re having trouble lowering or raising the fan speed of your CPU or no CPU fan speed, the following approaches may help. Change the CPU fan speed without using the BIOS by following these steps.

In this article, we’ll go through the two best methods for changing the speed of your CPU fans without accessing the BIOS. Make sure you thoroughly study each strategy before deciding which one is best for you.

How To Change CPU Fan Speed Without BIOS

External Fan Controllers 

Using an external fan controller is a simple technique to increase the speed of your CPU fans. As the name suggests these controllers offer many solutions to control your system’s CPU fan and to function at a high level. CPU fan temperature can be checked at any time, similar to the manual fan control. You can control the speed of the fans, as well as turn them on or off, by using these devices.

You’ll find a wide selection of external fan controllers on the market, but there are a few things you should keep in mind before purchasing one. Aesthetics, the pin socket’s versatility, channels, how many fans you can watch at once, and controls are all included in this category.

Once you’ve found the perfect external fan controller for your system, you won’t even need to turn on the BIOS anymore to keep it running smoothly and coolly.

Use a Fan Control Software

While it is possible to manually alter the fan speeds of your computer, it is better to use an automatic option. You’ll have to use fan control software in this instance. The CPU temperature may be monitored, and the PC’s fan speed can be changed if necessary, using an automated fan controller.

When the CPU gets too hot, a PC fan controller software increases the fan speed quietly and decreases it when things return to normal. Fan speed management is easy with a variety of programs. Choosing the appropriate one, on the other hand, should be your number one priority.

SpeedFan is a good place to start if you’re open to using a Desktop fan controller program.


Download the most recent version of the software and apps from the manufacturer’s website.

1) This is the best fan control software on the market, and it’s easy to use and convenient.

2) The automated file speed can be used if a user has problems operating the software. This option is not always reliable, but it can be put to good use. Click on the model, remember it, and then press the OK button.

3) Make sure to set the maximum and lowest RPM for the money after clicking on the configuration button. When you’re finished, close the window, and use the controls to set your computer’s temperature to your liking.

4) You can set the CPU fan’s speed or slow down depending on the temperature by going to the temperature tab and clicking on it.

5) The arrow buttons can be used to set the desired temperature and the warning temperature, respectively.

6) Save these changes.

7) Select “OK”

ZOTAC FireStorm Software

Next up is one of the most user-friendly programs for increasing the CPU fan speed without the need for a BIOS update. ZOTAC FireStorm Software uses graphics processor modification to control VDC values and clock rates. The temperature and fan speed of the computer may now be seen for what they truly are: an open book.

NoteBook FanControl Software

The NoteBook FanControl Software is very effective and an excellent alternative for increasing the CPU fan speed because of its simple interface. Its user interface is so user-friendly, even those who have never used it before have no trouble navigating it.

It’s capable of detecting anything from current fine speed readings to CPU temperature. The Main Menu of the application contains a slider that acts as the fan controller. You don’t have to do anything to activate the software when your computer is running.


How do I adjust my CPU fan speed to Windows 10?

SpeedFan can be used to control the fan speed on Windows 10: Introduce SpeedFan and then start it up. Click the ‘Design’ button in the application’s main window. There will be a new window. The Fans tab is where you’ll find it. Hang in there for the app to find and list your fans! Choose the fan that needs to be controlled. The fan’s speed can be adjusted using the reaction bend.

What Causes Computer Fan to Speed Up?

Typically, high RPMs are caused by overheating or a defective heat sensor.

When the processor becomes overheated as a result of executing particular programs, the fans increase in speed. SpeedFan and manual fan controllers can be used to lower the fan speed.

What Is Good Fan Speed?

This is a tough one to answer definitively, to be honest. All you have to do is keep an eye on your engine’s revolutions per minute (RPMs). While higher RPMs produce more noise, lower RPMs may lead to CPU overheating. The CPU fan speed should be adequate to keep your processor within its safe temperature range.


Temperatures in a computer system need to be cooled down at the proper moment if a heat sensor malfunctions or RMPs are too high. However, if you don’t have access to the BIOS program, you can check out other options as well.

Many programs raise the temperature of your processor, causing the CPU fans to work harder. The more RPM, the more noise, and the lower the RMP, the greater the possibility of overheating the system.

It doesn’t matter if you go with an external fan controller or a fan control program. It will be done perfectly without costing you more money to have the system repaired this way.

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